Latest News
- Information flow analysis reveals an altered brain causal network in autism spectrum disorder [2023-10-08]
- British Scientists Published in Physical Review Letters a Paper entitled [2023-10-08]
- Professor X. S. Liang Invited to Attend the European Physical Society Sigma-Phi 2023 Conference [2023-10-04]
- Professor X. S. Liang Visited the Institute of Industrial Systems Research, Athena Research Center [2023-10-04]
- ENSO Modoki thus far can be mostly predicted 10 years ahead of time [2022-02-16]
- Prof. Liang Vsited EU Joint Research Centre [2019-09-04]
- X. S. Liang Visited Institute of Computer Science, Czech Academy of Sciences [2019-09-04]
- X. San Liang Attended ICIAM 2019 [2019-09-04]
- X. S. Liang Visited JAMSTEC and University of Tokyo [2019-09-05]